So this time tomorrow I will have hopefully completed my first ultramarathon – Dig Deep’s Intro Ultra! This is both an exciting and nerve-wracking thought.

Preparation has had its ups and downs; I will wholeheartedly admit there have been moments (mostly on the first hill of any route) I have had a full blown paddy about not being able to do it. That aside, regardless of the result tomorrow, I am so glad a signed up. It has got me out consistently running longer distances – something, it turns, out I really love. Having always leant towards training the bike and climbing my running has not always been a priority. But the additional pressure of a race has made me devote more time to it, and that has been a great opportunity.

As far as someone who would always like to do more and have longer to train I feel pretty prepared. Last weekend helped this as I headed out into the Peaks and managed to comfortably run 20 miles – something I could never have done this time last year. I also managed to complete the whole route (as planned) without getting lost! I think preplanning a rough route using ViewRanger before I headed out helped save energy, and mentally I find it easier to know roughly where I am going.

As I am sure you can understand, I am keeping this short and sweet tonight as I have a lot to do and am up bright and early tomorrow. To stay up to date on how I am getting on just check out my Facebook or Twitter – although I doubt I will be tweeting mid-race!
Wish me luck!