The importance of adventure!

Adventure is addictive, for me it is an essential and fundamental part of living. No matter how big or small it sends that fizzle of excitement through me that reminds me that I am alive.

Now before you worry, I am going to get philosophical and deep on you, don’t! A few weeks ago Carmen from The Adventure Declaration asked me to write a bit on how I get my adventure fix, what it means to me and how I got into it all.

This got me thinking – for as long as I can remember I have been adventuring. From climbing every tree in my parents garden – including some particularly tall and precarious ones, which resulted in a very concerned neighbour – to current, bigger explorations around the UK and beyond. I remember going out walking when I was little and refusing to take the path, instead insisting on the “long and dangerous route” clambering over every obstacle I could find. So when it comes to answering the question of how I got into adventuring I guess I can’t tell you – it has always been a part of my life.

The importance of adventure | Outdoor Adventure Motivational Speaking | Hetty Key | Mud, Chalk & Gears
The long and dangerous route!
The importance of adventure | Outdoor Adventure Motivational Speaking | Hetty Key | Mud, Chalk & Gears
My version of assembling the tent camping!

I can, however, tell you what has inspired me to keep exploring and push myself as far as I can – my parents. Growing up, I was always encouraged to take every opportunity that came my way. Some of my best memories are out walking and scrambling with my dad and the dogs. Always a keen mountaineer and climber I loved hearing about his trips and stories. These were often combined with grainy photos of him out adventuring with a massive beard and dodgy tan lines – I believe sandals and socks also featured! Regardless this triggered the start of a long checklist adventures I plan on ticking off.

The importance of adventure | Outdoor Adventure Motivational Speaking | Hetty Key | Mud, Chalk & Gears
Out exploring with my dad

Without launching into a much longer and heavy story; health-wise both my parents have not had the easiest time to put it lightly. Although I struggle to deal with this, throughout everything they have only ever motivated and supported me. It has taught me to seize the moment. That thing you are thinking about doing – go and do it! The niggling doubt or fear that stops you, push it aside, you can. My mum has a million inspirational quotes to back this up)! The majority of the time the only thing that is holding you back is yourself. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

The importance of adventure | Outdoor Adventure Motivational Speaking | Hetty Key | Mud, Chalk & Gears
Me, my brother & Sammy dog

Like I said earlier, adventures can be big or small. Whether you are on a micro-adventure nearer home or a scaling a mountain, the key thing is that what you are doing makes you feel alive. There is so much I could write here. However, I am choosing to keep it short and sweet. And most importantly I think it’s time we all got outside!


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